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The North Vernon Sun - June 22, 1892
Editors - James Renie & Charles P. Butler
Some Sun-lights Upon the City-Snap Shots at People and Affairs
And a Digest that Requires but Little Digestion to Accept and Assimilate
Truth is Mighty and Will Prevail, and the Sun Fires Solid Chunks of It at the World at Large
We Have a Good Little City and Want Everybody to Know It
The Iron Block built 1891 (in 2018 Miller's Tavern)

    To-day's SUN is a red letter affair so far as relates to local journalism. Days and weeks of toil are here embodied. Within the columns of descriptive matter which follow are, if one will read the lines or between the lines, to be found of manufacturing, mercantile and banking efforts which have rebounded to the city's good, although in some cases, it may have been "after many trials and much tribulation." But the story is told, and, like all stories, it is subject to many and diverse adaptations and quite as many interpretations.
    We may say that North Vernon is clearly and unequivocally a creature of circumstances-it was born it hardly knows how, and for some time there appeared to be but little reason or apology for its existence.
    Vernon, nearly two miles to the southeast, was and is capital of Jennings county. It was "hoary with age." and yet it was the central point for large mercantile and other business. With the advent of the three railways which center here-the O. and M., the J. M. and I. and the branch of the Big Four the hand of destiny unmistakably pointed out North Vernon as
    Of all this region, and, in this instance, the designation was confirmed by the logic of events. North Vernon came to be looked upon as a railroad town.
    To THE SUN reporter such fame as that appears not altogether an unmixed blessing. We have, in the course of many migratory wanderings, visited many a "railroad town." and unless something more than the railways are looked upon for support nothing in particular will thrive save saloons, lunch houses and indifferent hotels. There was something else here-or at all events, elements of substantial success were attracted here. It was, years ago, considered that
    And today its assessment doesn't compare with that of many and more favored counties in Indiana. But an "improving age" has been reached; intelligent farmers have demonstrated that much of the so-called "barren lands" can be rendered highly productive, if brains, labor and fertilizers are used in proportion; that there was something here is shown in the improving year-to-year yield of grasses and of grain, and it is especially marked in the development of the stock interest, as is elsewhere shown in this article. Jennings county farmers and stock raisers now are producing some of the finest stock to be found anywhere in Indiana.
    Manufacturers have ascertained what they were and they have been utilizing those attractions within certain limits-those limits can be expanded almost indefinitely.
    W. J. Hole, chair manufacturer, tells us that there is an abundance of beech lumber hereabouts, nearly all of which can be utilized in chair manufacturing. Mr. Hole demonstrates his faith by his works. He is making very handsome chairs from this material, and he wants to see other chair manufacturers locate here; then the city will be exploited in a substantial way.
    Same with spokes.
    J. D. Cone & Co. don't feel that they have a cinch on the spoke manufacturing interest here.
    J. B. Miller, of whose business we elsewhere write, is desirous of associating himself with some one or more gentlemen, and as a firm or joint-stock company engage in the manufacture of furniture upon an extensive scale. Mr. Miller has the requisite manufacturing plant, and it seems to us that here is a grand opening for enterprising men possessed of some capital.
    Litchfield Brothers do not fancy for a moment that they have a mortgage upon all the poplar and other lumber to be cut here.
    At all events, Platter & Son would express an opinion to the contrary and while they are making lots of pump stock, they would welcome another establishment of the same style.
    More Brothers, manufacturers of carriages, et., will extend the right hand of fellowship to any one who will engage in their line of manufactures here.
    And Fall & Suddith, tile manufacturers, will say amen to the same proposition, as will the two brickyard's.
    And that reminds us that some one ought to put up a brick machine outfit; "dry" or "wet" would pay, for manufactured material is scarce and the demand is large.
    P. C. McGannon, of the Tripton Mills, would gladly be of every possible assistance to any man or men desirous of establishing another flour mill here. In brief, there's no dog in the manger policy to be attributed to any of our manufacturers.
    The advantages and attractions of NORTH VERNON AS A PLACE TO LIVE IN and as a manufacturing city are so many that to enumerate them would require much more space than can be allotted to one article in this descriptive resume. A town, whatever its advantages or disadvantages, must either progress or retrograde; it does not stand still. North Vernon in the past may not have progressed so rapidly as some have desired, but if the progress (as compared with natural gas towns) has been slow, it has not only been sure but of that healthy, solid character in which there are no flatulent booms, no wild speculations in real estate, no fictitious values resulting in the financial run of investors and making for the city an unenviable reputation.
    North Vernon has a population of not less than 2,500, and the number of residents is being steadily and rapidly increased. This fact is accentuated by the other fact that there is but one business property of at all desirable kind which is to let, and there is (so far as extended observation and inquiry teach us) not a vacant residence of medium or better class.
    "Poor inducement" says some one, "to locate in North Vernon."
    Not so. This condition of affairs tells of healthful life. To which we may add that a number of dwellings are now in process of erection, and many others will be built during the summer, enough to satisfy the immediate wants of the prospective (almost certain) influx of people.
    Are in contemplation or already being carried out. The handsome new Methodist church will be completed this year. F. X. Gottwalles has almost completed his new brick block on Hoosier street. There's every probability that an exceptionally handsome edifice will be built at the corner of Walnut and Jackson streets. Manufacturers will add materially to their plants; indeed the year of grace 1892 promises to eclipse all its predecessors, so far as city improvements are concerned.
    The street car line between Vernon and North Vernon, now that the company has acquired the desired franchises, is almost to be regarded as a fait accompli. Track laying will soon begin, and before the ides of November there will be opportunity be given to interchange of visits and compliments between the sister cities upon the basis of;
"A blue trip slip for a five cent fare."
    Possibly, and not improbably, the completion of this line will be the harbinger of electric lighting for each city.
    Until about three years ago North Vernon groped in darkness. Then a system of gasoline street lamps was adopted, and the service has proved quite acceptable. There are 104 street lamps in place.
    The fire department is volunteer and comprises engine and hook and ladder companies. The engine is a powerful "Ahrens," capable of doing effective work. But other provision for meeting the necessities of the city should be made. An imperative demanded for
    continues to exist. Water works are not only required for fire purposes but for general matters of hygiene, and inasmuch as competent engineers assert that thoroughly efficient works can be constructed at a cost of $20,000 to $22,000, it does seem as if the measure should be urged to the utmost and some plan adopted. Certain it is that the citizens generally heartily support such a scheme.
    The Catholic church calls for mention-its christening is St. Mary's. The church, the parsonage and the school are all creditable structures, and so far as it was within the power of our artist we elsewhere present views of at least two of the buildings.
    The school especially deserves meritorious mention. It is under the direct charge of Sisters of the Franciscan order, and more self-abnegating, more cultured women or those who have the cause of education more at heart it would be difficult to find.
    The school roster is 120 or more and the status of scholarship is good.
    The membership of the church is something more than 150. The pastor is Father Ferdinand Hunt, who came here four months ago from Shelby county. To Indianians he is sepecially well known in connection with his pastoral work at Richmond, Ind. Father Hundt is a native of Prussia, and was educated at Paderborn, Westphalia. For thirty years he has been in the ministry, and the large congregations he attracts and the kindly feeling we hear expressed concerning him show that he is essentially a power for good in the community.
    As will be seen by the engraving published today and taken from the architects' plans, the new M. E. church of North Vernon will be a very handsome affair. Rev. G. M. Smith is pastor. The membership is large and the congregation appears to be in rapport with the preacher.
    Owing to a bolt of lightning the Christian church building is just now in a state of innocuous desuetude. The congregation comprises many of the best citizens of town and country, and the Rev. Chas. Hudson "dispenses the word" with fervor and ability.
    The Presbyterian church has no settled pastor at this time. The church edifice is a substantial brick affair, well furnished and the pulpit will doubtless be filled at an early day.
    The Baptists occupy a neat brick church on Summit street. It is of plain order of architecture, but is a creditable temple to the Most High. P. O. Duncan is the pastor.
    The colored people of the city occupy a frame church building in the western part of the city. We are not familiar with the name of the pastor.
    That we are not out of the world-on the contrary, are emphatically in the swim-is shown by the fact that the North Vernon post office receives and dispatches daily thirty mails. This is indicative of the great railway business at this point.
    Over the O. and M. forty trains arrive and depart daily. T. W. Russell, station agent, tells us that the business of the road here has increased 100 per cent, within the past three years. The increase in passenger traffic is very largely due to the admirable management of W. B. Shattuc, general passenger agent, who improves every opportunity to make the road solid with all classes. Mr. Shattuc is held in high esteem here by those who have met him, and to all the officers of the road North Vernon is grateful for the handsome passenger depot erected.
    J. E. Wagner, of the P.C.C. and St. L., says that t=business is good. Two passenger trains each way afford excellent accommodations to the traveling public, so far as this road is concerned.
    No doubt about that. Being an integral part of the great Pennsylvania system, it goes without saying that it is well operated. E. A. Ford, general passenger agent, sees to it that we have excellent service, so far as passenger traffic is concerned, and whenever he comes to North Vernon there's plenty of people ready to greet him with a hearty "How d'ye?"
    J. B. Weyant, agent for the Big Four, also tells us that business is in good shape. Four passenger trains connect North Vernon with the great system of the Big Four, which permeates so much of the country. D. B. Martin is on deck as general passenger agent, and what he don't know about making rates for excursions or other business keeps other agents thinking.
    But to return to our mutton, i.e. the postoffice of North Vernon. During the fiscal year beginning June 1, 1891, and ending June 1, 1892, it issued 1,500 postoffice orders, the aggregate of which is way up into the thousands, the orders ranging from a few cents up to a hundred dollars. During the same time 625 money orders were cashed, aggregating about $8,000.
    Postal notes ranging in value from 5 cents up to $4.99 were issued to the number of 825, and 600 postal notes were cashed.
    We have an admirably equipped postoffice here. Every arrangement for handling the large amount of mail matter which passes through the office is of the best, and THE SUN, recognizing the great growth of the postal business here, hopes it will reach the stage of free delivery at an early day, and at the same time secure to our growing city a government building.

Near Neighbors of THE SUN And a Firm Whom We Gladly Mention
    The commodious and very pleasant salesroom of the Tech Bros. has become the Mecca of many a pilgrimage on the part of buyers hereabouts, and the house is especially in high favor with those who know how and where to buy to advantage. The premises occupied stand at the corner of Fifth street and O. & M. avenue, and the building looms up very conspicuously in one of the handsome street views which we present today. The salesroom is about 70 feet deep and is well lighted; the ceiling is high, and in every respect the location is a good one, a vast improvement upon the quarters further up the street which the firm occupied until about two months ago. THE SUN office occupies the front of the second floor of the building.
    The copartners of the firm to which we allude are two brothers, E. W. and F. W. Tech. These gentlemen are natives of Cincinnati, where E. W. Tech had been connected with the wholesale trade for some time. F. W. Tech had been employed in Philadelphia just prior to coming here, and each of the firm had had a number of years experience in trade matters-experience which they have undeniably put to good use since they came here three years ago. They were at that time complete strangers to this community, and they have had to build their trade from the ground up. Their efforts in this direction have been more than usually successful. By their affable and at the same time businesslike manner they have attracted many a customer and it has not been their fault if they have not made a friend of each. They have also done all in their power not only to create but to supply a demand for the better grades of goods, while it has also been their policy to keep prices down to the lowest possible notch. They carry ample stocks of drygoods, notions, clothing, hats and shoes, and they offer every inducement they honorably can to people of town or country to become customers.
    The copartners are young men, and they seem to have adopted three V's as their business motto, "Vim, vigor and victory." Their trade has thus far been (except for a couple of weeks) all that they had anticipated, and the Tech Bros., in their increasing business, illustrate the popularity they have gained as merchants and as individuals.

A City Official and a Prominent Business Man
    Upon Fifth street, nearly midway between O. and M. avenue and Hoosier street, is the grocery and provision house of Mr. G. H. Schwake. The gentleman in question is not unknown to our people. He is a native of this city (his birth place having been within a few feet of his present store.) In 1877 he began clerking for his uncle, F. W. Verbarg, remaining with him until February, 1880. Then he was with C. H. Kutchback until going into business for himself eight years ago. Since then he has occupied the same premises and been engaged in the same specialties as now.
    Two years ago last spring Mr. S. was elected city clerk and this last spring he was re-elected. He is an admirable man for the place and if the council continues to want voluminous "minutes" Clerk Schwake will humor the members to the full bent of their inclination.
    As a merchant Mr. S. has been prosperous. He carries full lines of groceries, provisions, crockery, glassware, lamps, wood and willowware, and he spares no effort to make his establishment popular by reason of good goods and low prices. Of course we wish him all manner of good luck.

Something Concerning the North Vernon State Bank
    For some time prior to the organization of the above named enterprise it had become apparent to many that additional banking facilities were needed here. The feeling took tangible form in the incorporation of the North Vernon State Bank, which began business on the 3d of February, 1891. Success has followed the enterprise from the outset. Its affairs were and are in the hands of men in whom all classes in the community have implicit confidence, and the result could have been none other than it has been.
The officers and directors are:
J. B. McMillan.......President
John Fable.......Vice-President
J. C. Cope......Cashier
W. S. Campbell......Asst. Cashier
O. Bacon......Secretary
G. F. Amick, M. Alexander, S. H. Grinstead, J. B. McMillan,
Henry Lange, J. M. Wynn, Jas. A. Hutchings, John Fable, Orlando Bacon
    This, we don't hesitate to say, constitutes a body of representative men-men who will be energetic and yet conservative in managing the affairs of the bank. There are forty or more stockholders, but the list is too long to present here. Inasmuch as there are some people who recognize no logic but the logic of figures, in this connection we present the last official statement of the condition of the bank at the close of business, May 14, 1892.
Loans and discounts......$58,026.87
Due from banks and bankers......$3,714.85
Banking house......$3,800.00
Furniture and fixtures......$1,495.33
Current expenses......$1,083.13
Cash and Cash Items......$9,348.16

Capital stock paid in......$30,000.00
Surplus Fund......$250.00
Discount, exchange and interest......$1,062.28
Individual deposits on demand $46,387.88
    This deposit account of upwards of $46,000 talks very eloquently of the faith customers have in the bank, while its loans and discounts of nearly $60,000 illustrates that the deposits and capital are not being simply hoarded up, but are being used in promoting public and private enterprises.
    THE SUN doesn't intend to make any special pleading on behalf of the North Vernon State Bank-it doesn't need it, but we desire to call attention to the safeguards which the State throws about depositors in banks of the State's creating. In a State bank (in Indiana, we mean) each stockholder is not only held for what he has invested but for twice as much more, so that there is scarcely a possibility of loss to depositors. Every stockholder in the North Vernon State Bank is worth much more than twice the amount of his stock. The banking methods pursued by State and National banks are essentially the same, varying as circumstances and localities vary, and the future of the North Vernon State Bank largely depends upon its officers and directors-they can attract or they can alienate patronage.
    The Bank is magnificently housed in a handsome brick structure at the corner of Fifth and Hoosier streets. It is conceded to be the handsomest banking in Southeastern Indiana, being elaborately fitted up and in the best of good taste. The massive Hall fire and burglar proof safe, of the latest pattern, is evidence that the officers are determined that "if the enterprising burglar comes a-burglaring" this way, he shall not have access to the funds within the ponderous doors of the safe.
    The bank, it will be conceded, makes a capital good showing, and THE SUN joins with others in wishing it every reasonable degree of prosperity.

A Prominent Grocer and Member of The City Council
    In this big issue of THE SUN we present a handsome front view of Mr. Gottwalles new brick block on Hoosier street, between Fourth and Fifth. The structure is of brick, two floors and cellar, iron front, with plate glass windows 5 x 7 feet. There are both side and front entrances. The ceiling, first floor, is 13 1/2, second floor, 10 feet. The second floor will be used as a residence, affording five apartments, the finish throughout is of hardwood, and when completed as the structure will be in August next it will be an ornament to the city.
    The large salesroom will be fitted up with new shelving surmounted by a handsome cornice, and it will prove one of the handsomest affairs of the kind in town.
    Mr. Gottwalles is a gentleman 35 years of age and a native of Dearborn county. He has been a resident of Jennings county since 1861, and up to eleven years ago he was a farmer. Upon removing to North Vernon he engaged in the general grocery trade upon Fifth street and he has unquestionably met with success. He will greatly enlarge his stocks when taking possession of his new premises and his old customers as well as new will find that the latch string hangs on the outside of the door.
    Mr. Gottwalles is one of the most efficient councilmen of the city, being prudent and conservative, and yet having the city's best interests at heart. He was first elected from the Third ward in 1885, serving two terms at the election of 1891 he was again returned, thus making him a three timer.
    Between now and the time that he takes possession of his new store, Mr. Gottwalles will offer superior inducements to every customer. His stocks of groceries, flour, provisions, Etc. are complete, and he extends a cordial invitation to everyone to call. One thing is certain and that is that he is working out his own success in life.
Gottwalles Building (link to another article and picture)

The "SUN" artist in a Double Sense
    Upon this page of today's SUN we present a sun picture of a Sun artist. When the gentle man in question is about to "shoot off" his camera the machine looks something like a cross between a columbiad and a telescope, the operator is a sort of annex to the affair, and so may very properly be called "a-son-of-a-gun.
    Seriously, though, few photographers make better pictures than does Mr. Crutchfield. He made all the views and sittings for the engravings which appear in today's SUN, and the artists who executed the engravings from them said to the editor of the SUN: "Better work of the kind never came to us."
    We like to make such a statement as that--like to make it forcibly--when facts justify it. We were told over and over again "Crutchfield can't make such work as you want."
    Well, may be he can't-we are satisfied with fact that he has done splendidly.
    Mr. Crutchfield is a young man a native of Johnson county-and for the last nine or ten years he has lived here. He is the only photographer here and there is room for no more.
    His experience as an artist extends over a period of about twelve years-the period in which photography has attained its highest development. He is a student and profits by his own experiences and those of others, and our knowledge of the man and of his work, so well shown in this issue of THE SUN, justifies us in pronouncing him an artist. Friend Crutchfield is now refitting his reception room and we give it as a pointer that a lover of art can't find a more pleasant place than his studio in which to spend a half hour.
B. F. Crutchfield

    On Madison avenue near the First National Bank we find the pleasantly fitted up sample rooms of Mr. Henry Romine, which were opened by that gentleman in December last. Mr. Romine has made his place by far the neatest of any of the sample rooms here. It is not frequented by loafers, nor is card playing allowed. It is simply a quiet resort where one can obtain a glass of foaming Madison lager and almost any other kind of beverage. A specialty is made of the famous Edgewood whisky and the '86 goods carried are simply unsurpassed. Choice cigars are also kept in stock, and in every thing the best is aimed at.
    Mr. Romine is a native of Muskingum county, O., and has lived here for two years. For seven years he had been in the same business as now at his old home in Ohio, and for two years at Greenville, Texas. During the late war he was a private soldier in the 19th Ohio, infantry, participating in a number of engagements. Since opening his sample rooms he has been quite successful, and his trade continues to grow. In 1913, Henry Romine was one of three men convicted in Jennings County for the murders of Charles & John McQuaid).

E. B. Doll
A Druggist of Long Experience, and a Pleasant Gentleman as Well
    The Central Block, on Fifth street, is unquestionably, one of the finest in the city, as the engraving we elsewhere present, conclusively shows. One of the occupants is Mr. E. (Elmer) B. Doll, a popular druggist, and he has certainly done his part to make the interior of the salesrooms in Central block even more than equal the exterior of the edifice.
    In this review of North Vernon we are talking quite as much of persons as of things-as a result some personal comments upon Mr. Doll are now in order. He is a native of Jennings county and a son of the late Mr. A. Doll, who is pretty generally remembered throughout the county. His old home was at Queensville. Mr. A.(Abraham) Doll used to carry on the drug trade at the stand underneath the SUN office, and his son was initiated into the mysteries and miseries of the drug trade about the year 1878. In 1881 he became a partner with his father, and since the latter's death he has remained alone. Mr. Doll opened his present store in 1888. He fitted up the salesroom in exceptional good taste; stocked it with an abundant supply of goods, embracing the whole range of drugs, chemicals, medicines, etc., and the house as it is today may well challenge comparison with any in Southeastern Indiana, whether in regard to appearance or ability to supply customers with just what they want at lowest rates.
    Especial attention is paid to the filling of prescriptions. In the departments devoted to toilet articles, to druggists sundries generally, and to stationery nothing appears to be lacking, and, taking it as a whole, Doll's drug store may be considered a thoroughly representative affair. To the business Mr. Doll gives his entire time. He is well acquainted with the needs of the trade, and it isn't necessary that a house should fall on him before he takes a "tumble" to the necessities of his patrons. In the trade procession he is way up yonder.

Engraving of Fifth Street North Vernon

Tripton Roller Mills Are Doing A Handsome Business
    The other day a SUN reporter engaged in preparing this elaborate review called at the Tripton Roller Mills in order to learn something concerning it and its work for publication. Mr. P.C. McGannon, the proprietor, received us courteously, and gave all the information desired.
    These mills, to passengers on railway trains, constitute one of the most conspicuous objects in the city. They loom up big, and the sign writing upon them is of such size that "he who runs may read." The mills were built by E.P. Hicks and P.C. McGannon (under the style of E.P. Hicks & Co.) and began operations in 1859. Of course the old buhr stone process was then in use, and the mills were equipped with four run. The cost of building and equipping is large but it doesn't stop there. Take these mills, for instance. Three changes in equipment have been made, the first costing $8,000; the second about $2,200 and the third about $3,500, beside which many other costly expenditures have been made. The change from buhr to roller process was made in May, 1883.
    The mill has as fine a lot of machinery for the manufacture of flour as can be found anywhere. True there are many larger mills but none that can do better work. There are four double sets of rolls for wheat and one for corn; these are of the Livingston and the Nordyke and Marmon makes; all of the other machinery, for whatever purpose, is of a class which wide experience has demonstrated to be the best. The capacity of the mills is rated at eighty barrels of flour per day. Three grades of flour are made: Fancy Roller, Patent and Family, and the esteem in which this flour is held is shown by the fact that a home market is sought and obtained. By home market we mean the towns and country hereabouts. The grain used is of home growth, and P.C. McGannon & Co. are not only millers but extensive shippers of grain as well. The mills use a considerable quantity of cooperage (barrels) each year, all of which is made here. Another feature of the business of the Tripton mills is its exchange trade. Farmers are attracted to North Vernon from long distances because they know they can rely upon the flour that they will receive in exchange for their wheat, and thus every trade interest in the city is benefited.
    The proprietor of these mills, Mr. McGannon, is a native of the county, and life many another of our business men, was raised upon a farm. For five or six years he manufactured plows at Vernon, and he has also been engaged in other business. He and Mr. Hicks remained together until 1867 or '68, since then he has had other partners, but since 1876 he has been alone, the "Company" style being adopted for convenience sake. Mr. Hicks, however, now has an interest in the annual business.
    Mr. McGannon gives close personal attention to the general management of business, leaving the running of the mill to his head miller, Mr. W. D. Horney, a gentleman who has had 35 years experience, and who has been with these mills four years. Mr. McGannon tells us that trade thus far this year has been better than last, and we hope that such will prove the case each recurring year.

Manufacturer, Merchant and Contractor. His time is Fully Employed
    The planing mills, lumber yards, furniture and builders' supply house of Mr. J. B. Miller became the object of a visit from a SUN reporter the other day. "We wanted to know, you know." and by dint of questioning and sight-seeing we secured memoranda for this article.
    Five buildings are occupied by Mr. Miller. One is of brick, 30 x 50 feet, two floors; another is of frame, 54 x 80 feet, three floors; and another (we don't know its size) is frame. The fourth is a two-story brick structure, 18 x 24 feet, used chiefly for the storage of lime and cement, while the fifth is also of brick, 32 x 32, for the storage of sash, doors and blinds. These buildings are utilized as follows: The ground floor of the first is devoted to a great variety of builders' supplies, such as hardware, paints, glass, etc. The second floor is the furniture department, and some furniture is also carried on the first floor. Of the second building, in the basement, which is floored, is the power, a 60 horse-power engine being used; and this floor is a store-room as well. The ground floor is the machinery department, where the most modern of woodworking machinery is in place, while the second floor is for general work-room purposes. The third building is for lumber & storage purposes.
    The concern, taken in its entirety, has about all it can do, and usually employs from eight to ten hands. A great specialty is to supply builders in other towns with complete houses, and it's a dull day when Mr. Miller doesn't have one or two houses hanging on his order hook. His own contracts are extensive, and he is now putting up several building here costing all the way from $1,000 to $3,500. He makes things hum in a business way, and he can't help it-it's his nature. For his own purposes and for a general trade he carries full stocks of lumber, lath and shingles, and, as we said before, builders' supplies are special features of the trade. He's always glad to receive propositions for contracts, and he can be relied on to fill the bill satisfactorily every time.
    Mr. Miller, who is councilman from the third ward, and now serving his second term as such is a gentleman 44 years of age, a native of Decatur county. When a lad of but 17 years of age he began taking contracts, and this he has followed most of the time since. His present business he engaged in sixteen years ago. He owns the property he occupies, but he has vastly improved it since it came into his hands.
    Not the least gratifying statement we can truthfully make concerning Mr. Miller's trade operations here is that each year since he began this enterprise has shown an increase of fully 33 per cent, over its predecessor. We congratulate him upon the fact, and hope the same or a greater ratio of increase will characterize his business efforts for many a year to come.

We Refer To The Establishment of R.(Robert) C. Beer
    Mr. Beer is a native of Versailles, Ind., whence he came to North Vernon fifteen years ago. He may well be designated as a practical watchmaker and jeweler, for when a boy 15 years of age he began apprenticeship to the trade, his father being a watchmaker who had learned the trade in the old country, and there they have the habit of teaching a trade very thoroughly indeed.
    Mr. Beer has had a very gratifying business since locating in North Vernon, both in the sales and the repair departments. His show-cases are filled with a superior class of goods, embracing handsome gold and silver watches, jewelry of all kinds, optical goods, etc. Silverware and clocks about, and small musical instruments -"from jewsharp up"-are kept in full stock, as well as musical merchandise generally. Take the establishment in its entirety, and it is a credit to the city, and we can also say that it has kept pace with the growth of the town. There's another thing we want to call attention to. If a patron wants anything in the jewelry line which Mr. Beer does not carry in stock, he will promptly order it upon approbation.     The repair department continues to be well patronized. Mr. H.(Herman) E. Barth, brother-in-law of Mr. Beer is the assistant in it, and both gentlemen find their time fully employed. In conclusion we may add that THE SUN has nothing but good wishes to extend to the popular jewelers of North Vernon.
Which Fall & Cone Have Made To The City of North Vernon
    The number and area of desirable building lots to be found within the corporate limits of North Vernon have been materially increased by the liberal business action of Fall & Cone, who have platted and improved to additions, the first occupying the site of the old fair grounds fronting upon State street (the old state road), which is the connecting link between Vernon and North Vernon, and it is along this thoroughfare that the street railway will be built, which when completed will make the lots in this addition much more desirable and greatly enhance their value. Already a number of cosy homes have been built upon this addition, are more are in contemplation. The ground stands high and possesses excellent natural drainage, and no one doubts that State street will always be the residence street. Much of this addition has already been sold; still there are many desirable lots left.
    Fall & Cone's second addition also fronts upon the state road, but in another part of town-is just across that street from the driving park. This property is bounded on the east by the state road and on the west by North Elm street. All told, in this addition there are sixty-two lots. Upon both State and North Elm streets Messrs. Fall & Cone have set out an abundance of maple shade trees, which are doing well, and eventually must render those thoroughfares very attractive. The lots are of generous size, being 50 x 142, and building has already begun upon them. One or two houses have already been built, and more will be during the summer.
    It appears to THE SUN reporter that these two additions present the best of opportunities-to those who wish to acquire homes in a thriving growing city. They must rapidly increase in value, for North Vernon will take no step backward, and parties who buy now, it seems to us, must make a good investment. Messrs. Fall & Cone offer the most advantageous of terms; they will be pleased to answer letters of inquiry or show either of the properties in person.

We Refer To The Handsome Establishment Of M. H. Andrews & Co.
    One of the most substantial business structures in the city stands at the corner of Madison and Walnut streets. The occupants of the premises are the well known firm of M.(Myron) H. Andrews & Co. The house was established twenty-two years ago, and the firm style has remained unchanged since then, but the copartners are not the same by any means. M. H. Andrews died about ten years ago, and since then his widow has continued the business, the junior partner now being H. Franz a young gentleman, a native of this city, who entered the employ of the house nine years ago. Subsequently he retired, but he remained connected with the trade until going to Ann Arbor, where he matriculated in the world-famous University of Michigan. He pursued the full pharmaceutical chemistry course and graduated in the class of '92, receiving the degree of Ph. C. Seven months ago he re-entered the old house of M. H. Andrews & Co., and the entire management of the business now rests upon him. Education and extended experience have combined to make Mr. Franz as thoroughly practical a pharmacist as there is in Southeastern Indiana (or anywhere else for that matter) and besides that he's "business" from the ground up.
    The establishment is very handsomely fitted up. Shelving, cornice and glass furniture, counters and showcases all attract the eye. The entire appearance is that of a complete well ordered drugstore, in which chemicals and medicines are reinforced by stationery, druggists' sundries, fancy goods, choice cigars and half a hundred other things.
    M. H. Andrews & Co. also put up quite a number of preparations which are deservedly held in high esteem. The most prominent of these are Andrews' Condition Powders, Syrup of Tolu and Wild Cherry Corn Remedy, Toothache Cure, Chicken Cholera Cure and others whose names we do not remember.
    We might multiply words indefinitely concerning this old and representative house, and yet scarcely add to anything we have already said. For nearly a quarter of a century it has been weighed in the balance of public opinion and not found wanting.

A Prominent Merchant Of North Vernon Who Is Very Widely Known
    On Sixth street, between Hoosier street and O. & M. avenue, is located the extensive establishment of Mr. P. Conkling, devoted to furniture, stoves, tinware, carpets, farm machinery, wagons, buggies, binding twine, window and door screens, rugs, silverware, pictures. It's a very miscellaneous assortment of goods, but at the same time a very comprehensive one. The premises occupy a large one-story frame building 72 feet deep, with a width of 50, and there are two salesroom's. It is almost needless to add that the stocks carried are large; the trade which Mr. Conkling holds requires that such should be the case.
    In furniture is shown a general line of bedroom, parlor and kitchen goods, and an inspection of prices makes one wonder how such goods can be sold for so little money. Stoves are carried in great variety, some of the leading foundries of the country being represented, and we also observe a fine assortment of the latest improved makes of gasoline and oil stoves, the demand for which constantly increases.
    In the machine department one finds the world-famous Deering binder and mower, several makes of plows, including the Bissell and South Bend, and other implements and machinery of various kinds. Farm wagons and buggies of the most approved make are shown. Indeed, there is scarcely anything in the line of farm supplies which Mr. Conkling does not carry, and which he offers at prices that give the utmost satisfaction. He tells THE SUN that trade has been very fair thus far this year, and would have been much better had it not been for the protracted wet weather, but there is yet ample time in which to make up for that.
    Mr. Conkling gives the business his personal attention. He is a native of Cincinnati, but since 1868 has resided in this county. In January, 1874 he located in North Vernon at that time engaging in the drygoods and grocery trade. Prior to that he had been carrying on business at Nebraska, this county, three or four years; in fact he has been in active business life ever since quitting farming. His early life was passed upon a farm indeed farming remained his occupation until he was 45 years of age.
    Mr. Conkling is one of the energetic business men of North Vernon. He thoroughly understands what he is doing, all the time and his customers have long since learned to place implicit, reliance in his house.

Our Youngest Merchant and a Live Business Man
    One year ago, when but 21 years of age, Mr. M. L. Burkhart established his present grocery house on Walnut street, he then as now being the youngest merchant in the city. But this was by no means his introduction to trade; he really has been connected with business interests ever since early childhood. He is a native of Richmond, this state. Since he opened his present establishment Mr. Burkhart has been the recipient of a patronage of the best class. He has had the satisfaction of seeing his trade expand from month to month and his expectations for the future certainly appear based upon the firmest of foundations.
    Mr. Burkhart is at the head of a well-stocked house wherein all manner of good things eatable are shown. The best of staple and fancy groceries are carried and everything is fresh and desirable.
    Mr. Burkhart is a son of Mr. C. W. Burkhart, who lives four miles north of here. That gentleman and his son are setting a mighty good example to some others of our farmers for this fall they will set out a thousand peach trees upon the home place. Both father and son are proving themselves to be progressive business men and THE SUN wishes them every imaginable success.

Manufacturer of Cigars and Dealer in Sporting Goods
    In the Central Block of which we present so admirable a cut to-day is located the cigar factory, sporting goods house and shooting gallery of Mr. Frisz. His place is one of the recognized headquarters for everybody hereabouts. Smokers visit this place to secure choice cigars, sportsmen go there for reliable guns and ammunition-for fishing tackle, etc.-and lovers of baseball find their goods in profusion at the same place. A capital shooting gallery has been arranged, and during the fall and winter months it is especially well patronized.
    But it is as a cigar manufacturer that we especially wish to allude to Mr. Frisz. He is a man of 32 years of age, a native of Madison, but a resident of this city most of his life. In 1873 he began learning the cigar making trade in Terre Haute, and in 1880 he established business for himself here. His average product is no far from 100,000 per year. None but high-grade goods are made and as we write we enjoy the delicious aroma from a La Americana. Mr. Frisz' leading 10 per cent brand. It's a daisy, sure enough. In 5 cent cigars his leaders are "Little Joker" and "Bally" and we can say "Bully for Brier Frisz for turning out such goods."
    Mr. Frisz doesn't do much traveling and yet he has a wholesale trade which extends throughout the state. His retail business has become especially large, and every department of his business is in good shape. We're nothing but good wishes to extend him.
This building is in 2018 Dave O'Mara Contractors

They are Representatives of the Flour and Feed Trade
    On Hoosier street, between Fourth and Fifth in a substantial two-story brick structure, we find the flour and feed house of Messrs. Gagan & Co. Theirs is a business which makes little display, but, all the same, it is an important factor among the city's trade interests and a great convenience to people of both town and country.
    The copartners in the firm are Phillip Gagan and P. C. McGinty and they have now been associated together about three years.
    In flour the firm handles the product of the mills here and at Columbus. They carry different grades and can confidently recommend what they sell. They also handle a choice brand of Graham flour. Hay, corn, oats and feed are specialties, and farmers who do their trading at North Vernon can always rely upon getting just what they want at Gagan & Co.'s and at the lowest market prices. Here in the city free delivery is made of all goods sold. Each of the copartners gives personal attention to the business in hand, and, if we remember rightly, both are natives of the county. Mr. Gagan's occupation used to be that of farmer and he established this house eight years ago, while Mr. McGinty was for some years engaged in railroading. The copartners are men who stand well with the public and THE SUN is glad to see them prospering.

We Refer to the Magnificent Specimens of Horseflesh to be Seen at
    Oak Grove Driving Park is as charming a spot as can well be fancied, and here are the stables of Mr. David Bay-stables which are achieving a wide reaching reputation.
    We don't wish to flatter Mr. Bay, but in all truthfulness we can say that no man, in Jennings county is doing more toward advancing the stock interests of the county than he. By dint of hard work and the expenditure of large sums of money he has gathered together a "string" of stallions, brood mares and youngsters of a class and of a lineage to make any horseman enthusiastic, and he would be more of less than human if he didn't take a reasonable degree of pride in what he has accomplished.
    The other day a SUN reporter visited his place at the fair grounds for the express purpose of gratifying his eyes with a sight of these princes and princesses of the blood royal. Mr. Bay kindly officiated as "guide, philosopher and friend," and here follows an account of what he saw and heard:
    First, as regards the stables themselves. The building is a large frame structure provided with 20 box stalls. These stalls are roomy, and their handsome equine occupants appeared to be enjoying themselves to the full bent of their inclination. Sleek of coat, trim of limb, intelligent of face, these descendants from the land of the Houyhuhums would serve as models for a second Dean Swift in another edition of Gulliver's Travels.
    Prompter is at the head of the stud. Prompter is a magnificent appearing bay, sixteen years old and standing 16 1/2 hands. He is very gentle dispositioned, is stylish in action, and his every movement appears to say; "I am aware of my own importance." Prompter is a son of Wilson's Blue Bull, famous throughout the country. His first dam was Prairie Bird by Flaxtail; 2d dam Empress. His pedigree is a voluminous one, but we must content ourselves with giving his immediate descent. Prompter was in the stud in California for eight or nine years and achieved a great reputation on the Pacific Coast. He is the sire of many a "flyer." Mr. Bay secured him and two of his yearlings last February and brought them here. These yearlings are "daisies" sure enough, and their sire has made a most favorable impression among owners of horses hereabouts.
    Gelon, 5-year-old, a mahogany bay, 15 1/2 high, is another favorite, as he well may be. Gelon is by Gambetta Wilkes by George Wilkes; 1st dam Miss Brewer by Red Wilkes, 1st dam Kate West by Enterprise, son of Enfield. Gelon is highly prized, and he deserves every good thing that can be said of him.
    Granville C., three year old, is not in the stud. He is a bay and is by Richwood by Hambletonian 10; 1st dam Daisy Campbell out of Mambrino Patchen Jr. Granville C. is a very handsome horse, and he can be relied upon to make a name for himself in the future.
    At present Mr. Bay has but three brood mares. Maud A's pedigree is unknown, save that she is a Kentucky mare. That she is a "good one" goes without saying. She is 5 years old, and in the second race in which she started she gained a record of :36 1/2. Mr. Bay is confident she will go below :30 before the season is over.
    Myra Startle :25 1/4 is well known. She is by Mambrino Startle. 1st dam by Lila Wilkes. 1st dam by Lila Wilkes, 2d dam by George Wilkes.
    Rickey, another of the brood mares, has a nursling by Gelon. She is a very fine looking animal, and if her colt lives it ought to prove an out-and-outer.
    The remainder of Mr. Bay's stock consists of yearlings, 2-year-olds, and coming 3-year-olds. Some of this stock has been bred by Mr. Bay-others have been purchased by him. Some came from Kentucky, some from California, and others were purchased from breeders in this and adjacent counties. There's not a "scrub" in the entire list, and big and little, old and young are alike for sale. Mr. Bay is connstantly buying and selling and developing this high grade stock-he doesn't have any use for anything else in the way of horse flesh. He also receives and handles horses for other parties, and there are several such now at his place.
    His trainer, Mr. Thomas Crady is an experienced horseman, and his abilities as a driver are well known. During the coming season he will do his level best to land Myra Startle, Maud A., White Pants and Tulliola first under the wire, as Mr. Bay will "campaign" quite extensively. White Pants last season in his 2-year-old form gained a record of :46, and will be far better in his three year old form. A good bit is expected of Tulliola, 5-year-old, by Gambetta Wilkes. There will be other "flyers" in the "string," but we are not in possession of their names.
    Mr. Bay, the owner of these stables, is originally from Lancaster county, Pa., who came here when a lad with his parents in 1857. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the 6th Indiana Infantry and he remained in the service three years and some months. After the close of the war he engaged in the timber and stave business which he continued up to eight years ago, since when equine affairs have occupied his time. Mr. Bay is also a member of the city council, representing the Second ward; he is now, serving his seventeenth year as a member of the city government, and as a councilman as well as a private individual he is an ardent champion of the city's best interests.
    His first connection with the stock industry began in a small way, he and J. N. Dickerson being in partnership. They owned Emma, by Egbert, 1st dam Jim Monroe, 3d Jeptha, a thoroughbred. Emma gained a record of 16 1/2. Their stallion was Delineator by Dictator, dam by Ethan Allen. After three years this partnership was dissolved, Mr. Bay retaining Emma, and from that second beginning five years ago he has built up his horse interest to its present proportions.
    Personally Mr. Bay is a courteous gentleman; as a businessman he is thoroughly in earnest, and THE SUN reiterates what it said at the outset of this article, that is, that he is accomplishing vast good in advancing the interests of horse owners throughout all this region.

Dr. C. E. Billings is an Exponent of Dentistry
    The gentleman concerning whom THE SUN now talks in a very informal way is a native of Butler county, Ohio. At Oxford and Medina he studied the profession of dentistry, and although not a graduate of a dental college he holds a certificate from the State Examining Board. Dr. Billings located here fifteen years ago and he is now the oldest established dental practitioner here. He is yet a young man, enthusiastic in his profession and a close student, profiting by his own experiences and those of others. He does all he can toward educating the people to preserve their teeth, and some some of the "crown" work and "transplanting" that he has done shows how skilled he is in operative dentistry. In the mechanical department, the manufacture of sets, and parts of sets, he has shown signal ability, and in fact his entire professional career here has demonstrated the fact that he keeps fully abreast with the progress made by the profession elsewhere. In extracting teeth he uses a harmless local anesthetic which renders the operation comparatively painless-a Godsend to suffering humanity.
    Dr. Billings is thoroughly equipped with all the modern appliances of his profession, and his reputation is such that he has a large clientele from abroad, many of his patients coming long distances in order to avail themselves of his recognized and well-known skill.
    He has pleasant offices in Central block, over Doll's store-entrance on the railway side-and here he will be pleased to receive old or new patients. He is accomplishing a work we can heartily commend.

His Daily Market is a Credit to the City
    In Central Block we find the daily market of the gentleman whose name we have just written. The establishment, taken in its entirety, is well appointed and at all times is kept fully stocked with the best procurable meats. Mr. Verbarg tells us that there is relatively little demand for mutton, but of fat beeves he kills an average of four per week. These fat cattle are of Jennings county growth, and Mr. Verbarg is especially careful to select only such as his judgment ought to be good in this matter. The daily market business is one with which he is very familiar, for he has had some seventeen or eighteen years' experience in it.
    Mr. Verbarg is a native of the old country, having been born in Hanover. In 1867 he emigrated and located here in North Vernon, where relatives had settled some time before, and he has made this city his home ever since. With others he built the Central Block in 1884, his own premises being 20 x 60 feet.
    There's one thing we especially wish to call attention to concerning Mr. Verbarg's meat market, and that is the air of neatness-and-cleanliness it has an appetizing appearance. Fresh meats are not all that is handled by the house. A specialty is made of the celebrated Kingan sugar cured and other meats, and sweeter, more delicious goods of the kind are to be found in no market.
    Mr. Verbarg, in partnership with Mr. Schierling, is also engaged in the ice trade here. They have an abundant supply stored-some six or seven hundred tons, if we remember rightly, and we state this fact as a sort of "pointer", for the hot weather will come.
    To the business of the market Mr. Verbarg gives his personal attention, and in the house is assisted by Mr. Louis Kestner, formerly of Lawrenceburg-an attentive salesman and a man who understands his business.
    The establishment is doing well and we congratulate Mr. Verbarg there on.

A "Sun" Reporter Visits It and Writes It up for this Big Issue
Items of Interest to Horsemen the Country Over
    Following the old state road for three miles in a northwesterly direction from North Vernon, we come to the stock farm whose origin is attributable to the efforts of the late James B. Curtis, who died in May, 1891, at the ripe old age of 77. For a long time his sons had been associated with him in the conduct of the business under the firm style of J. B. Curtis & Sons, the management of affairs now resting with Mr. John Curtis, who received the SUN reporter very cordially. To him we are indebted for much information and also for ample opportunity to inspect some specimens of horseflesh which would do credit to the most famous blue-grass region of Kentucky.
    The farm is a large one, comprising 600 acres, about 100 of which is woodland. The ground in places, is somewhat broken, but in the main is fertile and yielding well in grain and grasses. The farmhouse is a roomy frame structure, eligibly situated, and its appearance indicates thrift and regard for the comforts and luxuries of life. There are two stock barns, one surmounting the summit of a slight elevation and being but a few rods from the well kept half-mile track so necessary an appendage to such a farm as this.
    This enterprise like most others saw its day of small beginnings, the first animal of importance which Mr. Curtis purchased being a thoroughbred. His next venture was the Hazard strain; then came Morgan's. and then Hambletonians, and now the farm is producing noted stock all having its fountain head in imported Messenger. Upon this farm all the conditions are favorable for breeding the best blooded stock at less expense than is usual throughout the state and horsemen recognize the fact and as we passed from box stall to box stall we looked with admiration upon animals whose possession would be a source of pride to any one.
    Baronial 9009 is at the head of the stud. Baronial is by Baron Wilkes, 2:18; 1st dam Sunset by Strathmore 2d dam Lady Spaulding by Spaulding's Abdallah, 3rd dam by Neeves' C. M. Clay.
    Baronial is six years old, 15 1/2 hands high and solid bay in color. He is a speedy animal, having shown his ability to enter the :30 class and he will be given an opportunity this summer, after he has closed his season in the stud. Baronial is deservedly a great favorite, and there can be no doubt that he will continue adding to his reputation.
    Triumph is another of the stable's stallions, although not in the stud. Triumph is one of the speedy ones, and last year as a 2 year-year-old he gained a record of :36 1/2. As a yearling he won two races; as a 2-year-old he started in six races and won five, including the Indiana Breeders and Wabash stakes. He will be started in his class this year and can be relied upon to go well. Triumph is by Richwood 5323 dam Belle Clay dam of two in the list.
    Volland, standard and registered, is another fine animal. He is by Bartholomew Wilkes, 1st dam by Grenabier, 2d dam Hettie Henry by Pilot Jr. Mr. Curtis expects to test Volland thoroughly this season.
    Richmont a 5-year-old pacer, is another good one. He is by Richwood 5323, 1st dam Kittie B. by Bostwick's Almont, 2d dam by son of C. M. Clay No. 22. Richmont can do his bit in :20 and he will be given an opportunity to make his mark this year.
    There are two handsome 2-year-olds: Lottery by Baronial out of a Hambletonian Downing mare, and he can trot sure enough. Barony, the other 2-year-old, is by Baronial, his 1st, 2d and 3 d dams being standard.
    Actor is a daisy. He is a 4-year-old gelding by Richwood 5323, dam by Mambrino Patchen, Jr. He will be listed this year and is sure to beat:30.
    Moline, a 2-year-old filly by Baroalal, is very fast and undoubtedly will be listed.
    Of brood mares J. B. Curtis & Sons have a number, and as the following brief resume of their pedigrees will show, they are an exceptionally fine lot, selected with the utmost care.
    There is Maud (dam of Dynamite, 2:28; Wuinnebaugh Chief, 2:32 1/4), by Mambrino Patchen, Jr.;
    Oueen Patchen, dam of Actor (who can beat :30) by Mambrino Patchen, Jr.;     Belle Clay, dam of two in the list, by C. M. Clay, Jr., No. 22.;
    Fanny Fields, by Ajax No. 40. her dam being dam of Joe Jefferson 2:27 1/2 by Blue Bull;
    Vivine, by Richeood 5323, dam by Morgan Messenger;
    Mona, by Hambletonian Downing 4530, dam Puss, who is grand dam of four and great grand dam of two in the list;
    Georgie Bowman, by Ben Bolt, son of Abdallah Pilot, 1st dam a thoroughbred mare;
    Kittie B., by Bostwick's Almont dam by son of C. M. Clay, Jr. No. 22 and one of the greatest of speed producers;
    Lady Lawrence, by Mambrino Patchen, Jr. dam Clorinda, grand dam of Sherman, 2:23 1/2,: J. J. Douglas 2:20 1/2, by old St. Lawrence:
    Bertie, by Richwood 5323, dam Barcena, dam of Bayard Wilkes 2:15 1/4, by Bayard 58, 2 dam Blandina, dam of six producing stallions by Mambrino Chief: 3 dam the Birch mare dam of Rosalind, 2:31 1/4, Donald, 2:27, by Brown Pilot;
    Bertine, by Cuyler Clay, dam Bertie, as above:
    Nettie B., by Hambletonian Downing 4?, 1st dam Hallie by Mambrino Patchen, Jr., 2d dam Lide, dam of White Pants, 2:46 by Nigger Dick, pacer.
    Halline, by Hambletonian Downing 4530, 1st dam Hallie, dam of Nettie B. as above.
    Daisy Campbell, dam of Belle R. 2:34 1/4, by Hambletonian Downing 4530, dam Daisy Campbell, as above.
    Lizzie Downing by Hambletonian Downing 4530, dam Georgie Bowman by Ben Bolt, son of Abdallah Pilot, 2d dam thoroughbred mare.     From the above we see that J. B. Curtis & Sons have fifteen brood mares whose pedigrees place them in the front rank. The firm and the public know they are choice and their produce must necessilary be meritorious.
    Of youngsters one to three years old there are seven in the barn to training; there are eight not in training and thirteen suckling filly, is entered in the Lexington $25,000 Futurity and Mandolin, a suckling filly, is entered in the Independence (Iowa) Futurity, one of the greatest events on the turf. Parenthetically we express the wish that the Curtis stables may carry off both these rich prizes.
    Mr. John Curtis is as through a horseman as we could name, and he is one from very love of the noblest of animals. He is in large part his own trainer and driver, and this year he has a very competent assistant in the person of Mr. Ed. Dickerson. Mr. Curtis is his own blacksmith and horseshoer, and he also attends personally to all the ordinary veterinary work. In other words, he is a horseman from the ground up. He does a good deal of campaigning each year, largely confining himself to Indiana, although he has started horses in Missouri, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky. He now has fifteen in training, as handsome a "string" as one could wish to look at, and it won't be his fault if the campaign of '92 does not put ducats in his purse.
    Beginning with the efforts introduced by the father years ago, the work of Oak Grove Stock Farm has been of both a cumulative and comprehensive character. The sons have been as enthusiastic as was the father. J. B. Curtis lived to see many or most of his most hopeful plans realized. His sons (and especially Mr. John Curtis) can well afford to be judged by the results attained by them. With such stallion and such brood mares and such progeny, great impetus must necessarily be given to breeding interests here.

We Refer to Mr. Charles Wachtel, one of our Most Enterprising Business Men
    There are mighty few people in Jennings county (and a good part of Ripley county, for that matter) who do not know or know of Mr. Charles Wachtel. His active connection with business interests has been of such a character as to necessarily bring him prominently before the public and THE SUN today, in this mammoth illustrated edition, proposes to talk quite familiarly of him and the business enterprises he so successfully conducts.
    Mr. Wachtel was born on the other side of the big pond, his birthplace having been in Saxe Weimar, Germany. In 1868 he emigrated to this country and for the past twenty-three years he has been a resident of this county. His first venture in trade in the county was at the village of Nebraska, and there he built up a trade which reflected great credit upon his business enterprise and sagacity.
    Finally Mr. Wachtel sought a wider field of labor, and so he came here seven years ago and embarked in general merchandising, occupying the same stand as now on O. & M. avenue, a few doors from Fifth street. It wasn't long before he made a favorable impression as a merchant upon the people of the city and vicinity. His trade grew with amazing rapidity, and scores of his old Nebraska customers came here to buy, they hadn't forgotten the square treatment they had received at Mr. Wachtel's hands for so many years.
    It is absolutely astonishing the trade this house draws from all the surrounding country, but it is a clear case of good goods and attractive prices for cash, and it's the "dollars of our daddies" that tell, when it comes to buying goods.
    The salesroom is literally crowded with drygoods, notions, boots and shoes, hats, caps and groceries, thousand and one things which enter into the composition of a general merchandise stock. They have been bought with good judgment, they are just what the people want and what they must and will have.
    There isn't a better salesman in town than Mr. Wachtel and when he opens his batteries of persuasion upon a customer the latter might as well follow the example of Davy Crockett's coon, that is, come down.
    Mr. Wachtel is also the owner of the famous Bargain Clothing House, on which we write in another article. Recently he also purchased the extremely handsome drygoods and carpet house formerly known as the J. D. Cone Co. There isn't a more attractive establishment than this in Southeastern Indiana, nor one which displays better or more tastily arranged stocks of goods. It will be Mr. Wachtel's effort to still further improve the establishment to carry the largest and the choicest stocks of any house in the county, and those who know the man and his business forethought will concede that he will accomplish whatever he undertakes. THE SUN wishes we had more men here like him.

Mr. John Kutchback Is Managing it for Charles Wachtel
    As we have elsewhere stated, Mr. Wachtel engaged in the clothing trade with its accompaniments, as a distinch enterprise, about one and a half years ago. His premises occupied adjoin Mr. W's general merchandise house on O. & M. avenue and Fifth street. The building shows up splendidly in one of our street views.
    Mr. John Kutchback, son of Mr. C. H. Kutchback, an old resident and merchant of the city was engaged as manager of the new enterprise and we don't believe a wiser selection could have been made. Mr. K. is a young man and native of North Vernon and since he was a lad 14 years of age he has been connected with the trade of town, and for six years he was in partnership with his father under the firm style of C. H. Kutchback & Son. A man more attentive to business, or one possessing better judgment or greater adaptation to trade, is not to be found in North Vernon. He has become extremely popular both with town and country patrons, and under his management the Bargain Clothing Store goes on conquering and to conquer.
    The house deserves favorable mention because of several things. In the first place it is by far the most complete establishment of its kind in all this region; none nearer than Cincinnati equals it in variety and extent of stock, and we defy one to visit any clothing store and find stock kept in better condition or more temptingly displayed. The clothing handled is tailor cut and custom made, and is purchased direct from some of the leading factories of the country. There's any quantity of it, too, and there's not a garment that is not in keeping with prevailing styles. Prices are very low. It's astonishing what a serviceable suit of clothes the Bargain can sell for $7, and its $10 or $12 suits equal the $20 and $25 merchant tailor suits.
    Gentlemen's furnishing goods constitute a very important department. Shirts and under ware, all the latest styles of collars, cuffs, neckties, scarfs, everything pertaining to a gentleman's wardrobe-abound, and the the Bargain is the recognized supply point. So, too, in hats and caps; whether in felt or straw, the latest styles are handled. Boots and shoes constitute another department, and here, too, bargains are offered in both cheap and expensive goods.
    We might keep on enumerating, and then convey but an imperfect idea of the house and its attractions. One visit on the part of a purchaser will tell him more than we could in columns of space. Mr. Kutchback will be found "on deck," and we'll vouch for it that every visitor meets with a cordial reception.
    The Bargain is commanding a big trade, and every day adds to its list of new customers. Neither Mr. Wachtel nor Mr. Kutchback cares how large the list becomes.

They are Extensive Manufacturers and Shippers of Hardwood Lumber
    The saw mills of Litchfield Bros. are not in their external appearance, "a thing of beauty,"-so far as that is concerned a saw mill rarely is-but they play their part well in the business economy of the city and county. We are not positive, but think that it was in 188? that these mills began operations here, but they have been under present management since the fall of 1889. Their cutting capacity may be fairly estimated at from 10,000 to 15,000 feet per day. Referring to this cutting capacity Mr. George A. Litchfield, the resident partner, said "The effort now-a-days is not so much to increase the quantity of the lumber out-put as to improve its quantity" a remark full of significance, as it indicates more or less rapid exhaustion of log supply. The raw material cut at these mills chiefly comprises poplar, oak and ash, although some other kinds are handled. The manufactured lumber finds an Eastern market, for the most part-that is, the select lumber does. In the various middle and eastern states it find its way to other manufacturers and to builders, large quantities being used for finishing purposes, and more or less is eventually exported.
    We were curious to know the source of supply for raw material. Said Mr. Litchfield. "A large quantity is teamed in other quantities come by rail" and then, from other remarks let drop by the gentleman in question, we learned that only a fraction of the lumber shipped east by the firm is cut by the mills here, they buy from mills here, they buy from mills in different sections of the state-from some in Jennings and adjoining counties, others in Central and Northern Indiana, so that the aggregate of the firm's handling of lumber from Indiana is very large-the various rail road companies of the state can attest to the size of Litchfield Bros. freight bills.
    Our own community is benefited greatly by the employment which the mills give to both skilled and unskilled labor; owners of timbered lands hereabout find a home market for their "giants of the forest," and in many ways the firm disburses large sums of money.
    The co-partners are Geo. A. Litchfield and Wm. E. Litchfield. The former resides here, personally supervising business at this end of the line; the latter resides in Boston, where he is engaged in the wholesale lumber trade, with office in the Exchange Building of that city. He makes flying trips here occasionally, only to remain a few days however. The bookkeeper in the office here is H. K. Dickerson, who has been with the firm for two and a half years. His bookkeeping duties are among the smallest responsibilities resting upon him. He is the traveling buyer and lumber inspector of the firm, and he is one among others connected with our trade interests who find their time fully employed.
    The Messrs. Litchfield are natives of Massachusetts and they are sprung from some of the primal stock of Plymouth Rock. They are business men an all that the term implies, and North Vernon, as we have said, profits from their business enterprise.

He Keeps His Daily Market in Fine Shape
    Although Mr. Hinchman, the proprietor of the popular Walnut street daily market is a native of Clay county, Illinois, this city has really been his life home. He is a young man of 28 years of age, and in every respect he is businesslike. He did not engage in his present trade until last August, but he already had a large circle of acquaintances and friends and his patronage has grown very steadily, as may be inferred from the fact that it is not an unusual thing for him to slaughter as many as seven beeves in a single week. He does his own buying, securing his stock in Jennings county, and he handles nothing but the best procurable. The same will hold true with the salt and smoked meats, lard, etc., which he sells, and the people have shown their approval of him and of his business enterprise.
    Mr. Hinchman give the affairs of his market the closest of personal attention, and his success in trade here not only bespeaks his popularity but illustrates what a man can accomplish if he will.

Cone & Jones are Doing all they Can to Promote Their Own and the Public Good
    Alongside the O. and M. railway tracks, and within a stone's throw of the business center of the city, are the spoke and hub works of the firm named above. The factory is not one of pretentious appearance, architecturally considered, being quite a plain one story brick affair, but all the same, it turns out a vast quantity of work in the course of a year.
    This manufacturing enterprise was established thirteen years ago by Messrs. J. M. Jones, V. C. Meloy, and J. D. Cone. Mr. Jones died three years ago: six months later Mr. Meloy's interest was purchased and the present firm has since conducted operations.
    Thirteen years ago the factory had only two lathes in place with a capacity of 8,000 spokes per week. The same manufacturing premises are used now as then, but they have been greatly enlarged, and the number of spoke lathes has been increased to five while the average weekly production at this time, running ten hours per day, is 30,000. From thirty to thirty-five workmen are employed, and the pay roll aggregates not far from $275 per week. The hub producing capacity is 4,000 per day. These hubs (elm) are not finished. They are shipped in block form, roughed and bored to other manufacturers the country over.
    The spokes made from selected oak are all finished and ready to be driven into a buggy or wagon wheel. Different sizes and styles are made but the same general excellence characterizes them all.
    "Where do you find a market for all the spokes your turn out Mr. Cone?" quoth THE SUN man.
    "Chiefly through the East, although we have a very flattering Western trade."
    "To whom do you sell to, manufacturers or jobbers?"
    "To jobbers exclusively. We rely upon them to place the goods where they will do the most good."
    Further talk disclosed the fact that the business of the firm is constantly on the increase, and Mr. Cone expressed himself very confidently as to the trade outlook. We don't know why he shouldn't. Certainly better goods from choicer material are made nowhere in the country and this leads us to say that the raw material comes from his immediate section of country, some is teamed in another portion comes by rail and nothing but A. B. is used in either branch of manufacture.
    The factory, employing as many people as it does and paying out as much money as it does, does not make any parade of its operations. It simply pursues the even tenor of its way in a very quiet yet methodical and progressive manner. Its management rests with Mr. Cone who is a native of this county. For fifteen years he was a dry goods merchant here, and he remained in that line of trade up to four years ago, since when he has devoted his whole time to this factory. He is a large property owner here, and his interests are very closely identified with those of North Vernon.

Hicks and Craig Have Opened a New Manufacturing Enterprise Here
    On Chestnut street, in close proximity to the Presbyterian and the new Methodist churches, has recently been established a new manufacturing enterprise under the style of North Vernon Machine Works. It is just such an establishment as was sadly needed here, and under the personal management of the copartners, Messrs. H. Hicks and J. A. Craig, both of whom are practical mechanics, it appears to THE SUN that a career of unqualified success is before it. These gentlemen are well- known citizens. Mr. Hicks is a native of town, and Mr. Craig has lived here eighteen or twenty years, and those who know them are well aware that they are competent to successfully conduct such a business. They have put the latest improved machinery in place. There's a magnificent lathe, planer and drill press, besides other machinery, and with these facilities the firm are enabled to perform all manner of work in their lines promptly and well.
    THE SUN hopes their business will so grow that Hicks & Craig will be enabled to establish a foundry also before long. They will if the people hereabouts extend to them the patronage they deserve, and we sincerely hope this may yet develop into a big manufacturing industry. The firm are in earnest, and they deserve every good thing that may fall to their share.

Mr. O. Bacon is at its Head, and the Business Enterprise he Conducts Is Worthy of Mention In this Review.
    In our street view of Madison avenue the premises occupied by Mr. Bacom loom up prominently. His is a house filled to repletion with the luxuries and necessities of life, and the place the establishment fills in the business economy of the city is neither doubtful nor uncertain.
    Mr. Bacon is a gentleman somewhere along in the forties as regards age; he is a native of Jennings county and by trade a carpenter but for the past twelve years he has been in mercantile life. Prior to that he was deputy county clerk for a couple of years and he is now secretary and director of the North Vernon State Bank. When he established his present business he was at first associated with Wales M. Campbell; since the dissolution of that copartnership Mr. Bacon has been alone. Eight years ago he built his present place of business, it is of brick 24 x 115 feet and has a handsome stone front. The second floor affords a commodious hall which is in frequent demand for various entertainment purposes.
    The first floor constitutes a handsome salesroom and it is fully utilized. To describe its contents would be a Herculean task for the stock is of so diversified a character. A great speciality is made of carpets and all manner of floor covering, window shades, curtains and that class of goods is exhibited in variety sufficient to meet the tastes of most people.
    Books, stationery and stationer's sundries are also leading features in the trade of the house as are musical instruments and musical merchandise, jewelry, etc., and it is evident that is has been Mr. Bacon's design to make these lines as complete as taste, tact and capital could render them.
    Wallpapers constitute another big specialty: thousands of rolls are shown, and each pattern displayed seems prettier than its predecessor. Prices, all told, says Mr. Bacon, do not differ much from those which ruled a year ago. He tells us, also, that his trade has been better thus far this year than it was last, and of course he is not grumbling or growling over the prospects for the future.

His horse Equipment Establishment Is the Most Extensive in the Southeern Part of the State
    The gentleman whose name heads these paragraphs is treasurer of the city of North Vernon (now upon his second term), and he is also one of the prominent merchants of the city, occupying handsome quarters in the "Iron Block" on Walnut street. His specialties in trade embrace whatever appertains to horse furnishings.
    Mr. Reeder is a native of Columbiana county, Ohio; fifteen years ago he came here from Jackson county, this state. By trade he is a carpenter, and he followed that avocation for a number of years. Two years ago last February he established his present business, and we can unhesitatingly pronounce his establishment of today and the handsomest and most thoroughly equipped of any of its kind in Southeastern Indiana. He manufactures some harness, but by far the larger part he buys from leading factories in the large cities. In glancing at the stocks carried it is very apparent that everything that a horseman requires is at hand, and it is this completeness of stock-this ability to supply ordinary or extraordinary demands-which has made his house so popular. It is just such an establishment as the city needed, and townsmen or our friends from the country or from neighboring towns will find from an inspection of goods and prices at Reeder's that we have written nothing extravagant concerning the house.

We Refer to The W. J. Hole Chair Factory and
The Planing Mill, Conducted by the Same Gentleman
    The premises once known as the N. Vernon Woollen Mills no longer re-sound with the rattle of looms and the musical hum of spindles but they are nevertheless the abiding place of labor, and among the highest types of labor at that. The structure constitutes a magnificent manufacturing property, affording three spacious working floors, than which none could be more admirably lighted and ventilated. Here Mr. W. J. Hole conducts two large manufacturing enterprises. The first floor is the woodworking department proper equipped throughout with the latest improved machinery most of which is of a decidedly costly character, an illustration of which is to be found in the mantle or carving machine which cost $600, then there is the universal wood worker and sticker, weighing two and a half tons and costing $800. This machine does an almost incalculable variety of labor, and Mr. Hole enthusiastically asserts that "it speaks seven languages." To these add the planes, band saws, mortising and other machines, and one can well realize that this equipment is of the best. Upon this floor is manufactured everything in the builders' line, and a great specialty of this department is carved and embossed, inside finish verandas and all kinds of turned work.
    The second and third floors are in the main given up to the chair making department, and THE SUN reporter took a great deal of interest in inspecting it. The better to facilitate this branch of his trade Mr. Hole operates turning lathes at various country mills, so that freight is saved and the material reaches here ready for use. The caning and varishing are done upon the third floor. The entire floor area utilized for factory purposes is 13,420 square feet.
    We noticed that there was but little manufactured stock on hand, the reason therefore being the large demand that has existed thus far this year and Mr. Hole informed us that he was now way behind upon orders but was doing his best to catch up. The capacity of the factory is 75 dozen per week, all kinds, and although they are of low and medium price- i. e. ranging at from $7 to $18 per dozen-they are of exquisite design and finish. The material used for the frames is red beech, obtained from this vicinity and it is not only durable but takes on a high finish. The market for the chairs made is mainly in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, with a good and growing trade in California. The goods are of a character such as would attract attention anywhere and as against any competition, so it is not difficult to predict their constant growth in popular favor. It will not be long before Mr. Hole will be enabled to supply the trade with a very artistically illustrated catalogue which, when issued from the press, will be sent to any applicant.
    The demand for the carved and embossed finish work reaches to many different sections. Philadelphia sends orders here-so does Louisville, and so do many other cities and towns, that to publish the list would occupy far more space that we have at our disposal. The shipping demand for sash, doors, blinds, and builders supplies generally comes from contractors and builders in both near and distant towns, and all such orders are promptly filled and at the most favorable rates.
    Mr. Hole is also an extensive contractor and builder, and he is also an architect of experience. As a contractor and builder he has done a large quantity of work here, the largest contract now on hand being the M. E. church which will cost $10,000, and not long since he completed a very fine church at Tunnel ton, while throughout this and adjacent counties the evidence of his ability in this direction are too numerous to name. In the various departments of his business he gives employment to a force of about 55 workmen entailing a weekly pay roll of between $300 and $400.
    Mr. Hole came to North Vernon twelve years ago from Louisville to take the foremanship of the chair factory of Conkling & McMillan, and in 1884 the firm of Bacon & Hole established this factory. Three years ago he bacame sole proprietor. For the previous four years the total business of the firm was $13,000; how it has grown under his individual management is illustrated by the fact that the business aggregated $87,000 last year. Comment upon such comparison would be superfluous. Mr. Hole has also vastly improved the property. Last year he spent several hundred dollars in filling up the old woolen mill pond; he has bought much new machinery, and this year he will add a new compound engine 80 horse power. He has an excellent staff of assistants and corps of workmen. The office is presided over by Mr. A. C. Williams, an accomplished bookkeeper; John Wheaton is shop foreman; Eli Morris, A. J. Crum and Amos Silvers are foremen on contracts and John McCammon is in charge of the chair department.
    To the entire business Mr. Hole gives close supervisory attention. He is an indefatigable worker, and the results accomplished are apparent.
    THE SUN wishes him the most unqualified success in the future.

Like "Petroleum V. Nasby," He Can Add "P. M." To His Name
    North Vernon has had sundry and divers postmasters, but none has been more attentive to official duties or more generally courteous in office than has Mr. Fable. He doesn't suffer from the disease known as "big head", and his assistant, Mr. W. S. Will appears to be built upon the same plan.
    Mr. Fable is a native of this county, and, like so many others of whom we write, he was born and brought up a farmer's boy. When he entered upon mercantile life it was as a clerk for the late E. S. Whitcomb until receiving appointment as postmaster, in 1889, and he has conducted the affairs of the office with neatness and dispatch ever since.
    Mr. Fable is also one of the prominent merchants of the city, carrying on a general dry goods and hardware business in the Whitcomb block. The stand is well known-the late Mr. Whitcomb made the premises renowned throughout all this region by reason of liberal business action, and under Mr. Fable's management the house will lose none of its old time propriety.

As They Say in the Wild and Woolly West, he "Hangs out" on Madison Avenue
    One could hardly throw a stone on the business streets of North Vernon without hitting a grocer, and yet each member of the ancient and honorable fraternity appears to be doing a good, healthful business. To this general rule Mr. Hudson is not exception, and he has made his place on Madison avenue, in the Tripp Bros.' block, (of which we give a handsome picture), headquarters for as desirable a trade in groceries, and the good things of life generally, as any dealer here controls.
    Like the majority of the merchants of North Vernon, Mr. Hudson has to plead guilty to the soft impeachment of being a young man. He is a native of Jennings county and for some nine or ten years he has been identified with our trade interests-for five years or such a matter, as a clerk. Four years ago last January he established business upon his own account-how well he has done is illustrated by a constantly growing trade-his business last year, nearly doubled that of the year before, and every indication points to a satisfactory trade this year although the unseasonable weather has had a depressing effect.
    Mr. Hudson occupies commodious quarters, has a central location and makes an appetiaing display of goods. It is seldom during the day that his delivery wagon is idle, and it is quite evident to THE SUN man that Mr. Hudson is right well satisfied with the way the world wags.
Madison Avenue - The Tripp Brothers Block

Proprietor of the Walnut Street Livery Stables and Coal Dealer
    In both lines of trade in which Mr. Alley is engaged he takes precedence over others here. His stables on Walnut street are a credit to the city. The building is a substantial brick structure, two floors, 100x30 feet, and they are kept in the best possible shape. This livery business is one with which Mr. Alley has been connected more or less of the time for the past twelve years and, being a thorough horseman, he knows how to conduct it. For livery purposes he keeps an average of twelve head of horses, and pleasure drivers or commercial men will find excellent outfits and reasonable rates at the Walnut Street Stables. Mr. Alley doesn't insist that you should by a "rig" every time you go out for a drive.
    In coal he handles both anthracite and bituminous, and during the 14 or 15 years he has been selling coal here he has handled a very large quantity in aggregate, and he has gained the reputation of being a liberal dealer. Like the majority of our merchants Mr. Alley is a young man and a native of this city. His business relations with the people are of both a pleasant and progressive character, and it is such men that advance the best interests of the community.

More Bros. are Doing First-Class Work and their Trade Constantly Expands
    A SUN reporter visited the wagon and carriage factory of More Bros., which is located on State street near the State street bridge. We were pleased with what we saw, and for the interest of the thousands who will see this issue of THE SUN we here give the results of our visit.
    The factory embraces two building, of frame, the blacksmith shop being 24x68 feet, one floor, and the repository and paint shop 20x68, two floors. In the rear of the blacksmith shop is the woodworking department.
    The first floor of the main building is the repository, and in its rear is the trimming department. The painting room is upon the second floor. The factory employs the services of nine workmen. Last year the total number of vehicles turned out was 48; what the number will be this year it is impossible to determine as yet. In addition to this new work a vast amount of repairing is done, and in the blacksmith shop especial attention is paid to horseshoeing- in fact each department of the business is in good shape.
    We were most favorably impressed with the new work shown us in the repository. True, there was but little on hand, but we could notice the care exercised in manufacture and in finish. Take the farm wagons, for instance. They are made of the best procurable material and put together in the most workmanlike manner, and in the point of appearance and wearing qualities we think they surpass any of those produced by the big concerns of the country. The same will hold true of the buggies and carriages. The firm isn't afraid to guarantee these goods. They are made to wear as well as to sell and they are just such vehicles as the people of this section ought to buy if they study their own interest.
    The co-partners in the concern are John Q. and W. L. More. The factory was originated in 1855 by Everhart & More (father) at Hayden, this county. Mr. Everhart died in 1876 and the firm then became More & Sons; in 1884 Mr. Geo. More retired and his sons have since conducted the business. Believing this to be a far better point, the Messrs. More removed here two years ago last March, built their factory and have since been pushing affairs with most commendable enterprise.
    Both gentlemen are practical mechanics, and each is a faithful worker. John Q. More is a carriage painter and has had 22 years experience. His brother, W. L. More, is a carriage blacksmith and horseshoer, with an experience of 20 years. The Messrs. More put this experience to practical every-day use. Whenever a job goes into their repository they know just how every part is made, and when they sell one to a customer he can rely upon every representation as being exactly true.     THE SUN wants to see this enterprise continue to grow, and it will if the people of Jennings county do their duty.

A Firm Whose Name and Reputation Extend to all Parts of the Country
    A number of years ago the late Hiram O'Conner and W. S. Prather associated themselves together as pension and claim attorneys, and from the very outset of their career as such they met with unqualified success. Upon Mr. O'Connor's death his widow retained, he husband's interest in the business, and to it she gives very close personal attention. Mrs. O'Connor is an indefatigable worker and she is thoroughly posted upon all that appertains to the profession which O'Connor and Prather so ably represent.
    It is conceded by those who are familiar with current affairs that O'Connor & Prather have been very successful in presenting claims before the department. The percentage of rejections of original claims which have fallen to their share is extremely small, and the same statement will hold true of their applications for increase of pension. It follows, as a matter of course, that the firm thoroughly prepare a claim, and when presented it is in condition to be acted upon-doesn't require patching up here and remodeling there. Their patronage comes from a great many of the states, and more particularly from the West and South. They are at all times pleased to answer letters of inquiry, and each communication will receive prompt, careful attention.
    O'Connor & Prather are now preparing to also engage extensively in a general real estate trade, with headquarters here and at Indianapolis. They will enjoy unsurpassed facilities and are so perfecting plans as to be able to serve the public most acceptably.
    Mr. W. S. Prather is "His Honor" the Mayor of North Vernon, and is now serving his third consecutive term as such. He was born in this immediate vicinity and is a son of the late Col. Hiram Prather, who died in '74. W. S. Prather although but a mere boy, was orderly for his father when he was lieutenant colonel of the 6th Indiana Infantry and subsequently he enlisted in Company B 137th Indiana, being in the service, all told, some fourteen or fifteen months.
    In point of age Mr. Prather is still within the magical forties-is 45. If we remember rightly. He was educated in the public schools of North Vernon and at Asbury (now DePauw) university, and for some time he taught school. For three years he was a druggist, was assistant postmaster for four years, and for nine years was postmaster. For two terms he served the city as councilman from the third ward which is strongly democratic, and although a pronounced Republican, he won by signal majorities. Without laying ourself liable to the charge of flattery we can say that Mr. Prather's official career has been emphatically approved by the people. Under his administration as mayor nearly every existing public improvement has been made. Now if he and his colaborers in the council will see to it that water works are built the city en masse will rise up and call them blessed.

As Every One Hereabouts Knows, They Are at the Head of a Big Concern
Facts and Fancies Anent Their Business Ventures
    In Jennings and adjacent counties there is no firm name more familiar to the general purchasing public than that of Tripp Bros., of North Vernon. There are two co-partners, Albert A. Tripp and Ernest H. Tripp. These gentlemen are natives of this county, and their conspicuous connection with our trade interests dates from the year 1879, when they established a hardware, stove and implement house here. What they have since accomplished in the way of trade success is, in a measure, an open secret. They have built up a business aggregating $1000,000 per year, and although their success has invited much competition from various sources, yet they stand so high upon the ladder, their, operations are so comprehensive and extensive, that other trade interests of any kind here are relatively dwarfed by comparison.
    Tripp Bros. are also members of the Dickson Storage and Transfer Co. of Indianapolis, their warehouses being at the confluence of East New York and Ohio streets and the Bee Line railway tracks. Here the company has an enormous fireproof building, 160 x 220 feet, three floors, which affords them 72,000 feet of storage room, and the business done therein is simply immense. Of this company Mr. Albert A. Tripp is president, Ernest H. Tripp, treasurer, and Lot Dickson, manager.     But it is concerning the North Vernon enterprise of the Messrs Tripp that the SUN especially wishes to write and although what we say may prove but a thrice-told tale it will serve to refresh momories if nothing more.
    As we have said, the firm of Tripp Bros. was formed in the year 1879, the premises now occupied by them were built in 1886. A tour through the buildings is not without interest, and many an object lesson can be found. From front to rear of the main structure is almost "a Sabbath day's journey." The building is of brick, two floors 50 x 150 feet. A warehouse on the east side of the railway tracks is also used, and it is 50 x 80 feet, three floors, and still further to accommodate their business, and to meet the demands of their trade, the firm will this summer build another permanent warehouse, of iron, 50 x 80 feet, two floors. When this is completed the firm will be occupying and utilizing no less than 35,000 square feet, a goodly area, it seems to us, for one house in a city the size of this to use.
    The ground floor of the Madison avenue building is divided into two main salesroom's, one devoted to hardware, stoves, tinware, etc; and the other to agricultural implements. The house is having a good demand for shelf and builders hardware, and we are informed by the firm that the prospects in that department are exceptionally good. In that statement the Messrs Tripp are in line with Mr. Hole and Mr. Miller, the leading contractors and builders of this section.
    In the stove department the house hows those extremely ornamental as well as reliable goods made by the Michigan Stove company, at Detroit, the "Favorite" made at Piqua, Ohio, is also a favorite in fact as well as in name, and in fact as well as in name, and in both cooking and heating stoves the house had a big trade during the fall, winter and spring months. Just now, as warm weather is upon us, the house is making a special attraction of the "Quick Meal" gasoline stove, made at St. Louis, one of the neatest, most economical and labor-saving devices of the day. A trip through this hardware and stove department reveals a house complete in its every specialty, a house carrying stocks ample to meet ordinary or extra-ordinary demands.
    But if these departments are complete, what shall we say of Tripp Bros. implement and wagon trade? We don't wish even to appear to indulge in fulsome laudatory comment of the firm and their business. Yet a truthful statement almost seems like exaggeration. During the past few months carload after carload of binders, of plows and of other agricultural implements have reached here, been unloaded and sold by the Messrs. Tripp, and from here they have found their way to the places of progressive farmers in this and adjacent counties. The "Milwaukee" binder, the "Buckeye" and the "Empire" have been handled in quantities surpassing those of any previous years, but it is quite unnecessary that we should enter any plea in their behalf; the eloquent machine experts employed by the house have sounded the praise of their merits to the utmost. The world-famed Oliver Chilled Plow is another of the specialties of the house, and Tripp Bros. control the sale of this favorite implement in some three or four counties. In wagons they handle the "Brown" the "Kentucky" and the "Old Hickory," names of vehicles which have become as household words the country over. Many a carload is annually sold, and with each recurring year these sales increase.
    The sale of carriages, buggies and road-carts is another big item with the firm. For the very handsome goods made by Parry & Co., of Indianapolis, Tripp Bros. control four counties, and their sales therein are very gratifying. The firm also have large numbers of vehicles made to their own special order and stamped with their name. They put these goods upon the market with a full realization of their excellence, and they confidently recommend them to patrons.
    Fertilizers are another specialty. A "whiff from them doesn't remind one of perfumes wafted from "Araby the blest," but these same odors are wonderfully suggestive of rejuvenated fields and increased crops per acre. The fertilizers handled by the firm are of their own brand and their analysis can be found in the state chemist's report. It is unnecessary to reproduce it here. Tripp Bros. sold twelve hundred tons of fertilizers last year and the demand constantly increases.
    Not only does the trade of the house expand from year to year, but not a season passes but new territory is added to the recognized bailiwick of the house. A large jobbing trade is held, and three or four travelers who are "good mixers" spend a considerable part of their time with the farmers. The active management of the affairs of the house rests with Mr. Ernest H. Tripp, than whom southeastern Indiana never produced a more live wideawake business man. His elder brother and partner, Mr. Albert A. Tripp, finds his time thoroughly occupied with his important duties as cashier of the First National Bank of North Vernon. The Messra. Tripp have surrounded themselves with a corps of reliable attaches. Miss Nettie Hall is stenographer and bookkeeper; Charles Verbarg and William Wenzel, Jr., do the honors of the hardware and stove departments; George W. VanArnem is shipping clerk, Ed White is a solicitor and A. H. Dodson, Fred Evans and John R. Wells are machine experts. There seems to be good natured rivalry among these and other employees as to which can most advance the best interests of the house, and their efforts are heartily appreciated.
    But we are in danger of imitating Tennyson's brook, we don't want to "go on forever," so the SUN scribe stops right here.

A Manufacturing Concern Which Deserves Every Good Thing That Come to It.
    Intelligent farmers are appreciating more and more the necessity of tile-draining land in order to reap decent or reliable crops wherefrom. But the fact is that there are large numbers of farmers in Jennings county who have not yet been educated up to this thing. More tile is laid in and about St. Ann's than in the balance of the county, and it is not unreasonable to hope that the success attending the St. Ann's farmers' efforts may prove like good seed sown in fruitful soil.
    A SUN reporter recently visited the North Vernon Tile Works, which are located on the Louisville branch of the O. & M. road, about a half mile south of the postoffice. A sidetrack connects the works with the railway, and every condition exists for handling raw material or manufactured product cheaply and expeditiously.
    The premises comprise about five acres, upon which have been built two permanent kilns and the large drying shed and factory proper. The clay is obtained from within a stone's throw of the tile machine and is brought to the mill by steam power, the car being pulled up an incline from the pit. After being ground and molded the tiling goes to the drying racks, which can accommodate 30,000 feet, and thence to the kilns. The tile machine can mold an average of 4,000 feet per day, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending upon the size, which ranges from 3 to 10 inches diameter. The clay used is of a very superior character, and all the processes of manufacturing are closely looked after by Mr. Preston Suddith, than whom there is not a more expert tile manufacturer in the state. The product of the factory, when ready for the market, is as nearly perfect as is in the nature of such work.
    "Where do you find your market, Mr. Suddith?" quoth the SUN reporter.
    "We sell to Indianapolis, Columbus, Greensburg, Madison, up and down the Ohio and through the interior of the state, and" said Mr. Suddith, "just say that we pay prompt attention to correspondence, if we miss a mail we'll telegraph, or, if necessary, we'll go in person. We are here to build up this business to a much bigger affair than it is and the people of the state are helping us with liberal orders."
    "Is trade showing increase?"
    "Yes, indeed and every rod of our drain tile laid helps the business."
    "What's the matter of making brick pavements and sidewalks from this clay?"
    "Nothing." said Mr. Suddith, "We can turn out a pavement brick that is hard as iron and lasting as any material can be. There's no doubt there will come a demand for such material, and we would like to show the Council and the people of North Vernon what we can do."
    THE SUN doesn't hesitate to say that the suggestion is worth carful consideration.
    The North Vernon Tile Works were originally established six years ago by the firm of Olcott & Fall. Mr. Preston Suddith who has been in the business of tile making for nineteen years, and who was then at Elizabethtown, came here and assumed charge as foreman of the works, and two years ago last March he bought Mr. Olcott's interest in the business. He is a young man who is alive to the manufacturing facilities which North Vernon presents. Under his administration of affairs these works have been enlarged and improved, and we feel disposed to award him and to Dr. Fall full measure of credit for what they have accomplished.

The First National Bank of North Vernon has Lots of It
And Its Furnished the "Sinews of War" for Many an Enterprise
    The monetary interests of any town or city possess great attractions while wielding great influence. Perhaps the attraction, is all the greater from the fact that a solvent bank rarely is heard from in print, a modest card in the local papers and periodical publication of official statement as regards standing being the ordinary limit of newspaper notoriety. But this big issue of the SUN-the purposes involved and the good which it is reasonable to hope will accrue to the entire community therefrom-justifies us in making something more than mere allusions to the First National Bank of North Vernon.
    This institution is now the oldest established bank in Jennings county, being the immediate successor to the Jennings County Bank, organized under the state laws in 1885. The Jennings County Bank went into voluntary liquidation, paying a hundred cents on every dollar of its indebtedness. Before it ceased business of this current year the first National Bank was organized; there was no interregnum. Hon. John Overmyer, president of the Jennings County Bank, became president of the First National; V. C. Meloy, vice-president, retained the same position in the new as the old organization, and so did Albert A. Tripp, the cashier. Some changes occurred in the directory, but it is unnecessary that we should chronicle them. It was only another illustration of the old sentiment or saying "Le roi est mort-vive le roi"
    The First National Bank of North Vernon began business with an authorized and paid in capital of $60,000. Its officers and directors are as follows:
John Overmyer.......President
V. C. Meloy.......Vice-President
Albert A. Tripp.......Cashier
Ed. Williams.......Asst. Cashier
J. D. Cone.......Secretary
Those. Woods, L. F. Brougher, J. D. Cone, C. D. Butler, John Overmyer, V. C. Meloy, W. R. Fall, K. F. Clapp, T. J. Staples, J. B. Miller
    These names are those of men who are not unfamiliar to the people of Jennings county, and concerning several of them we have occasion to speak individually in connection with other interests here. The president, Hon. John Overmyer, is a leading member of the bar of this portion of the state. The people of this legislative district have honored both him and themselves by sending him as their representative to the lower branch of the state legislature, he for one term officiating as speaker.
    The First National has most admirable banking offices. The accommodations for its officials and for the general public are alike excellent, and the large fireproof vault, with its burglar-proof safe, affords ample protection against casualties by fire or theft by burglars. This vault has 30 inch walls, a solid foundation and an arched roof protected by railroad iron.
    There's another point we wish to make, and that is that this concern is essentially a home enterprise. There are, all told, 87 stockholders, and these are all residents of Jennings county, and every stockholder is a depositor. The largest holding by any one stockholder is fifty shares; the smallest is 1 share. The bank has perfected a very thorough system of collection agencies throughout this and the adjacent counties, and in all that goes to make a bank both strong and popular it has nothing lacking. Its business has grown rapidly, and how well it meets the approval of the people is best shown by the statement which Mr. Tripp kindly drew from the books for the SUN on the 2d day of June. It is a statement in every way worthy careful perusal. Here it is:
Cash due from banks......$21,369.28
Redemption fund......$675.00
On Hand......$13,114.39
To secure circulation......$15,000.00
Other bonds......$1,000.00
Premium on bonds......$2,400.00
Furniture, fixtures and banking house......$5,000.00
Bills receivable......$104,845.53
Expenses and taxes......$1,499.92
Loss and gain......$237.50
Capital stock......$55,600.00
Undivided profits......$2,861.49
    It is quite unnecessary that we should dilate upon the part the First National Bank plays in matters appertaining to public improvement and private advancement. It is essentially a bank of the people and for the people. In its dealings it illustrates that it is a public trust, not a mere money-making concern-and in the daily conduct of its business it is as liberal as is at all consistent with safe banking principles. The active management of affairs falls upon Mr. Tripp and it goes without saying that he finds very little idle time upon his hands. He and his associates are actuated by business principles and they adopt business methods with what success the status of the bank clearly illustrates.

Alexander Shepherd is Representative of It
    Not another citizen of North Vernon is more widely known than the gentleman to whom we now refer, nor is there one who has been more actively engaged in furthering the best interest of the city. He has been connected with real estate operations for the past twenty-one years, and his agency, styled "The South Eastern Indiana Real Estate Agency' is known to investors all over the United States, but more particularly in the West and South. Mr. Shepherd tells us that there has been what may be considered very fair activity that is manifesting itself and which is in contemplation. There has been he says, a slight advance in prices, and that advance is firmly maintained.
    Mr. Shepherd has upon his lists a large amount of property in the city suited for manufacturing, business and residence purposes, and this he is desirous of selling upon terms and at rates that ought to prove a great inducement. He also makes exchanges of property, whether town or country, and he will be glad to answer any letters of inquiry concerning whatever properties are in his hands. His real estate operations are by no means confined to this city, county or state. He has handled large quantities of mineral and farming lands in the South and farm lands in the West and relative to either section he is equally well posted.
    Mr. Shepherd is a native of this county and his early life was passed in farming. From the farm he went into the army in the fall of 1863 as Sergeant of Company K, 120th Indiana, serving with the 23d corps. After being mustered out of service he returned to the farm and in 1863 he returned to the farm and in 1869 he removed to the city and for the following two years was deputy postmaster. He has filled other official positions. He was clerk of the house of representatives during the special session of 71-72, and for four years was justice of the peace, during that time being the only magistrate in the township. He has been a notary public for twelve years and three years ago was elected coroner, but did not qualify. He is a member of the city council and is now serving his second term as such. In that body, and especially as chairman of the committee on streets, he is noted for advocating such measures and promise to promote the good of the city, and elsewhere we have occasion to allude to some of the notable improvements which are in a large measure attributable to his efforts.
    Mr. Shepherd as a citizen as an official and as a real estate operator holds the confidence of all who know him. More than this we need not say.
Alexander Shepherd

He Has Achieved a Successful Trade as a Cigar Manufacturer
    Cigar Factory No. 146 is the way in which Mr. Siener's cigar factory is officially designated by the government. Mr. Siener who is a native of Hesse Darmstadt began business here in 1868, and since then, for stamps alone, he has contributed not less than $10,000 toward Uncle Sam's revenue. His largest production has been as high as 12,000 cigars per month, but he doesn't make that many now. He is a cigar maker of extended practical experience, having began the trade when a lad of 13 years of age, that was 32 years ago-and this has since been the business of his life. Mr. Siener manufactures both 5 and 10 cent goods. He uses carefully selected stock and he puts such cigars and such only upon the market as afford pleasure to the smoker.
    He has a large trade here in the city and he spends a considerable time upon the road, visiting the neighboring towns and cities and he has the happy faculty of retaining customers when one secured. One reason is that the goods he turns out are thoroughly reliable.
    At his place business Fifth street extension Mr. Siener carries full lines of cigars, tobacco and smokers material generally and his local and transient trade is large. He deserves all success, for he is an enterprising business man.

    At the corner of Hoosier and Fourth streets is the drug store and office of Dr. B. Firsich, a gentleman who has attracted wide spread attention by reason of the many marvelous cures attributed to him in stubborn chronic cases-cases which had refused to yield to other medical treatment. A large per cent of the doctor's patients never meet him personally by his perfected system of analysis of the urine he can prescribe with the same confidence as if the patient was in the office, and as the doctor prepares each remedy for each individual cases, he does so with confidence in the results which will follow. He will be glad to correspond with the sick and the afflicted or to meet them at his office.
    Dr. Firsich is a native of Bavaria who has lived in the United States for the past 58 years. For 25 years he has been engaged in the practice of medicine and for 16 years he has been located here, then coming from Franklin county. For the last ten years he has also been engaged in the drug trade. He especially controls a good business from the county, and he makes every visitor to the store welcome.
    Drugs, chemicals and medicines, pure wines and liquiors are carried and in each department a flattering trade he controlled.

W. H. White Most Satisfactorily Conducts Them
    Upon Fifth street O. and M. avenue are located the marble and granite works of W. H. White, and a few words concerning than and their proprietor are now in order. Mr. White has been engaged in the same line of business as now for the past 16 years
he having succeeded H. E. Smith. He handles both marble and granite, Barer granite, chiefly and at the works are shown some very handsome monuments made from that material. Italian and American marbles are alike in demand, and, so far as that is concerned. Mr. White holds himself in readiness to fill an order for anything in his lines. In the city cemetery here there are to be seen many beautiful specimens of work which were supplied by him, and so also can be found other handsome, work from these yards throughout Jennings and adjoining counties Mr. White employs one traveling solicitor, his son, Will W. White and it is a recognized fact that every representation made on behalf of the house is scrupulously filled. Mr. White tells us that trade with him this year is "way ahead of last year." Prices do not differ much from those which ruled last year-are somewhat lower-while designs are, if possible still more artistic than ever. Mr. White will be glad to show designs and quote prices, and THE SUN unhesitatingly refer to him as a reliable representative of the marble and granite trade.

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